Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ferguson {Family session}

This past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting this awesome family!  Everyone was in town celebrating J's birthday!  This truly was a family session!  I got to meet not only the family but the family pets too.  The two dogs did really well!  It was a lot of fun getting to know them and with out further ado, I will show you the pictures from the session.

{Click to enlarge}


Friday, August 16, 2013

Roy Family Session at Homer Lake

We had a perfect fall-like, summer evening for this sunset session out at Homer Lake.  I had a really good time getting to play with little H!  She had a lot of spunk and definitely had some serious facial expressions.  You could read her feelings like a book. If she didn't like something, she let you know.  This family was really easy to talk to and I'm glad it worked out for everyone to meet up!

Take a peek at last night's session!

Why hire a professional?

I just wanted to take a minute today to share why I think you should hire a professional photographer instead of just someone with a nice camera.  Photographers have invested countless hours of training not only in the classroom and in the "field", but have also researched various ways to improve their skill set.  In addition, they have really committed their finances to set up a professional website, advertise, and buy SO MUCH equipment! While I think asking a friend to snap a photo can work out well, it doesn't have the same end result of asking someone with training and experience.

 I haven't been in this business too long, I'm going on two years this October.  But, I've learned a trick or two about how to pose people, maneuver the camera in various conditions, and post-enhance the photos using Lightroom and Photoshop.  I will always continue to learn new tricks and will continue to get the new equipment and props as the need occurs.  

 I wanted to show you what my photos look like SOOC (straight out of the camera) and what it looks like after running through my editing process.  This is what you are paying me to do!  It takes a lot of time working on a computer.  I'm not complaining in the slightest just trying to make you aware.  In fact, I strangely enjoy the editing process when I'm not bogged down by a million other things to do.  

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Jaycob is Turning Two {Two Year Old Family Session}

Last spring, I handed out 10% off coupons at the Divine Consign sale in Champaign.  A. decided to make me up on the discounted offer to get updated family pictures done as well as some sweet two year pictures of her son.  I had a blast meeting the family!  Jaycob was taking everything pretty seriously until he saw the kitty.  (That's right, someone was walking their cat in the middle of a park in Champaign!)  He just loved that cat!  We also had a lot of fun with balloons and playing peek-a-boo!  Take a look at our fun session!

(Kitty-induced smile!)

Anna Rings in Her First Birthday with a Smash! {First Birthday Outdoor Cake Smash Session}

I have really grown to love this family of three!  I was first introduced when Kristen asked me to do their wedding!  I got to do Anna's six month session too!  (Those are still some of my favorite pictures!)  And, now here we are already doing her first year pictures.  I can't believe it!  Anna is such a fun-loving, happy, sweet baby girl!  She is going to have one super-fun birthday party too!  Mom has some neat things up her sleeve for that one!

Take a peek at some photos from our fun day at the park!